

Bridges logo

Bridges is an exciting new partnership supporting the holistic needs of people living with HIV in Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham.

Our partnership brings together four long-standing and successful HIV charities: Positively UK, Africa Advocacy Foundation (AAF), Catholics for AIDS Prevention & Support (CAPS) and METRO Charity.


Bridges is here to support people living with HIV to make the most of living well and tackling our challenges together, to embrace our positive individual and collective futures.

Each partner organisation brings a rich history of championing the needs of people living with HIV. In these times of social and economic challenges, we are committed to improving everyone's quality of life. With Bridges, we are able to combine our strengths and expertise to tackle some of the most pressing health issues of our time.

This partnership begins an exciting journey towards a healthier and more equitable world.

Our services span:  


  • Advice and advocacy
  • Family support
  • Counselling
  • Peer support
  • Training for volunteers
  • Peer involvement, co-design and co-production


Find out more.