Services: Advice and Advocacy



Advice and advocacy

Please use the contact email addresses under each service to get in touch, or you can phone the METRO HIV team on 020 8305 5006.

METRO - Assessment, advice and advocacy for residents of Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham living with HIV. We can help you fill out benefits forms, negotiate debt payments, advise you on housing and immigration, and advocate for your health. We can help you deal with local councils, housing associations and others. 

Get in touch:  020 8305 5006

Africa Advocacy Foundation - Assessment, advice and advocacy for people living with HIV who are residents of Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham, specialising in helping those from Black African backgrounds. The service has a holistic focus on race and culture and will help you with benefits, debt advice, housing and advocacy around your health, including adherence support and talking with your doctor or care team. We will help you stay in care and address any barriers you face. We can also help you if you are experiencing domestic violence or family breakups. We help by addressing stigma and discrimination in the community and mainstream services. 

Get in touch:


Family support


Peer support

Other ways to get involved