Services: Other ways to get involved



Advice and advocacy

Family support


Peer support

Other ways to get involved

Please use the contact email addresses under each service to get in touch, or you can phone the METRO HIV team on 020 8305 5006.

Training for volunteers

If you are interested in becoming a peer mentor, or you want to help us facilitate some of the peer support groups that we offer and assist others living with HIV.

Get in touch:

Peer involvement, co-design and co-production

We are looking for people living with HIV in Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham to come together to help design and shape these services. 

Co-production is a way of working where service providers and users work together to reach a collective outcome. The approach is value-driven and built on the principle that those who are affected by a service are best placed to help design it. 

Get in touch: